Linocut collage: A technique using two
of the same lino prints
I had a couple of prints of a dress that didn’t work out. I liked parts of the print but as a whole I didn’t like it. I tried cutting away some areas and doing another printing but it still didn’t work. After sitting in a drawer for some time, I got the prints out and try a collage. Here are the steps:
1–Glue down an uncut print on mat board (I used spray mount)
2–Use spray mount to glue down a piece of neutral colored tissue paper over the entire print (the tissue paper can be printed on or painted to add texture). For this piece I used an old sewing pattern.
3–Take the second print of the same image and tear or cut some pieces out and place them over the top of the base print. Line them up so that they match up with the base print.
Play around with various pieces until you get a good composition
and a nice layered look.
4–If the print needs a little punch add a few pieces of colored torn or cut paper. I used another linocut that I had discarded for the pink. Below is the final result.
The Original:

The Final Version:
